
White Papers


Ongoing acquisition of new donors

In the for-profit world, subscriber-based businesses such as premium cable channels and online or print periodicals all face the same reality: some degree of subscriber attrition is to be expected. Thus, an ongoing investment in recruiting new customers is not a luxury but an essential component of the subscription-based business model. more »

Integration: The future of direct response

Donors live in a multi-channel world and philanthropy is adapting accordingly. It’s important to remember, however, that direct mail remains the workhorse of fundraising. The key is striking a balance where direct mail responses can be maximized strategically by delivering your message across multiple platforms. more »
WP-Doctors Day

Doctors' Day Mailing: The donor’s turn to express appreciation

Every year on March 30th, healthcare facilities across the nation celebrate "National Doctors’ Day." Many of these have had great success with a Doctors’ Day mailing, which gives grateful patient donors (and prospects) a chance to show their appreciation by honoring their physician(s) with a gift along with sending a personal note of gratitude. more »
WP-Grateful Patient

Grateful Patient Mailing: Patiently investing in long-term relationships

Medical institutions benefit from the built-in constituency they have of "grateful patients." A prominent, world-renowned academic medical center teamed with C.I. Partners Direct to commit to a long-term growth strategy that included an annual giving program, which resulted in successfully converting grateful patients to long-term donors. more »

Direct Mail Annual Calendar: Planning ahead to maximize results

When you employ direct mail systemically, you achieve more consistent results than other nonprofit organizations that send the occasional one-off appeal. Read this paper to learn three effective approaches to year-round direct mail planning that puts you in the top of your donors’ minds, netting higher revenue for your organization. more »

Great donor relationships are built on great communication

Whatever you have done to earn today’s donations, it’s what you do next – and how quickly you do it – that determines the likelihood of additional, bigger gifts. Donor stewardship is key and begins with a commitment to a giving plan that converts occasional gifts into long-term relationships. more »


Gail SiegeI has joined the firm as a Senior Consultant

Ventura, CA – C.I. Partners Direct, Inc., ( Gail brings almost 30 years of fundraising experience at a range of healthcare organizations to her clients, including in-depth experience evolving direct-response program strategies. She has led direct-response efforts at the top-ranked Texas Children’s Hospital, where she drove changes which resulted in a 10-year high in direct...

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Donna D

Donna Daly has joined the firm as a Senior Consultant

Ventura, CA – C.I. Partners Direct, Inc., ( is pleased to announce that Donna Daly has joined the firm as a Senior Consultant, bringing over 15 years of experience in the management and implementation of strategic multi-channel fundraising campaigns. Before joining C.I. Partners Direct, Donna designed and launched the implementation of Cedars-Sinai’s inaugural direct response...

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Our Clients Say It Best

C.I. Partners Direct handles all of my direct mail needs. I oversee many other areas of fundraising within our Hospital Foundation and would not be able to get it all done without them. With C.I. Partners, I can focus on my other responsibilities while I know the strategy and product of my Annual Giving piece is taken care of. And as a result, my Annual Giving program continues to exceed the goals we set each year.
Jessica H.Hospital Foundation client

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